


If you are looking to add multiple dates on Bandsintown:


1. Download this template

2. Fill out the spreadsheet with the specific information for your shows.

3. Make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Use the date format MM/DD/YYYY.

  • Use a 24 hour clock time format (i.e. 21:00 instead of 9 PM). If the time is left blank or the format is incorrect, the event time will automatically default to 19:00.

  • Only include one artist or band name per row, even if multiple bands are playing. If multiple bands are playing, add one row per artist and keep all other details identical.

  • Enter the artist’s name exactly as it is listed on the artist’s Bandsintown page.

  • In the Venue column, only include the name of the venue. Any event name such as "An Evening With artist-name" or another type of descriptive content should be put in the Description section.
    IMPORTANT: live streaming events are not supported

  • For the Country column, use the 2 character Country Code of the venue location (ISO Code).

  • To signal a canceled event, put "Yes" in the Canceled column.

  • To update an event you already published on Bandsintown, add all details with the updated information.

  • To update the date of an event your already published on Bandsintown, add one row to cancel the existing one and a second row to add the new one: the existing one will be canceled and the second one will be processed as a new event.

  • Past dates cannot be imported.

  • Do not add additional columns to the spreadsheet - they need to be as they are displayed in the template for the import to work properly.

4. Once everything is completed, save the file type. Supported file types include XLSXXLS, CSV and ODS. When done, send the file to tourinfo@bandsintown.com. You will receive a status update to confirm the number of events detected and submitted for upload or the number of errors if any. Events successfully submitted for upload will be processed and announced to fans within 2-to-4 hours.