Bandsintown for Artists Blog

The latest news, updates, tools and tips for Bandsintown Artists

Introducing Bandsintown Manager: Our Free Mobile App for Artists!

Engage with your fans and reach new concert-goers from one easy-to-use app.

Life on the road is tough. It’s even tougher when you can’t get to a desktop to manage your tour dates. Until now…

Formerly known as our Artist Platform and available only on Facebook, we have rebranded our product suite for artists as Bandsintown Manager and introduced a mobile app now available for iOS and Android users! Bandsintown Manager lets artists and managers stay on top of day-to-day tasks for working musicians, resulting in higher turnout and more tickets sold. We display and promote your tour dates on Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and artist websites. We also push your tour data to our partners like Shazam, Nokia MixRadio, SoundHound, Squarespace, DeliRadio, and many more, helping you get discovered.

Our new mobile and tablet app has a fresh interface that makes it easier to make the most of a breadth of features – both new and some you may not have tried yet.

Key features

  • Create Facebook events for all upcoming shows and display them on a Tour Dates tab on your Facebook Page for fans to RSVP, comment and share.

  • Geo-targeted newsfeed posts that reach your Facebook and Twitter fans throughout your entire tour, from presale to opening night.

  • Manage multiple artists from a single mobile dashboard.

New exclusive features

  • Receive notifications to approve pending tour dates imported from a third party source.

  • Key insights and statistics about your fan Trackers that are easy to understand.

  • Artists can directly message fans who have RSVP’d to your show with targeted push notifications.

  • Browse concert photos and videos of a show posted by fans on Bandsintown and Instagram, and repost your favorites ones on Facebook and Twitter to increase engagement

Bandsintown Manager is now available as a FREE download in the iTunes App Store and on Google PlaySquarespace, the leading all-in-one website publishing platform for musicians, is the initial sponsor of the app.

 For screen shots or to consult our FAQ, please visit our Help section located at

Rock on,

- The Bandsintown Team